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A crowdfunding site can not only be used to raise money to help publish a book, produce a film, or fund entries into book or film festivals, but you can use the site to increase your visibility and following. Plus you can contribute any money you raise to help market and promote your book or film, whether it’s with another publisher or producer or you publish or produce it.

Here’s how:

  1. Use a fundraising site without a timeline, so you don’t have to limit the campaign to 30, 60, or some other set number of days and have a countdown. This way you can keep the campaign going as long as you need to, so it always looks current for a new person coming to the site.
  2. Continue to build interest from those who have already joined the campaign with updates at least every 2 or 3 days. These updates helps to keep them involved and tell others. Often these updates will not only go to those who have joined but into the site’s newsfeed on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
  3. Let prospective publishers, agents, producers, and production companies know about your crowdfunding site. They will be impressed by your energy in building interest in your book or film. Also, they will see this campaign as a source for funding additional marketing and promotion as well as building additional buzz for your project.
  4. Send personal emails with appeals to your own mailing list. It helps to build momentum if you get to at least 25-30% of your goal, before those outside your network start to show interest. Also, once you pass a certain threshold, the crowdfunding site may feature you, too.
  5. Keep at it and don’t get discouraged if you initially get a low response. Commonly, campaigns that quickly get high numbers already have a built-in fan base, such as Veronica Mars, or they are pitching a cool product, especially if it’s high-tech, since companies often use crowdfunding to sell a product through advance sales. Too, high-tech companies commonly have a network of entrepreneurs eager to be the first to support the next new thing. By contrast, books and films often have a slower start in a fairly cluttered market, since so many authors and filmmakers are seeking funds for their project. So you have do more to stand out to inspire people to want to read your book or see your film.
  6. Post a sample chapter or a trailer or sizzle reel. This short intro can help to get people interested in reading or seeing more, as well as supporting your campaign. Then, as popular interest increases, so will the interest of potential publishers, agents, and producers.
  7. Create a poster for your book or film. Imagine what a poster might look like when your book comes out with its final cover or your film is in the theaters. Even though this may not be the final poster, a professional-looking poster helps your book or film feel more real, which can help convince prospective publishers, agents, or producers to take on your project. They can better visualize your book or film promoted in the marketplace and can see how you will help to promote the project.
  8. Use the social media or press release to the traditional media to spread the word. Aside from sending out updates, create other short messages or blogs every day or two and post them on the pages of individuals and groups interested in books or film. Write your release like a 300-500 words news article, and emphasize the uniqueness of the story or subject of your book or film. If possible, tie your message about your book or film into the current news. If there is a charity or celebrity link, such as an endorsement from a star or well-known organization, highlight that, too.
  9. Include a photo or video link in your press release. This will help you get coverage, since it will be more dramatic and eye-appealing.
  10. Create joint promotions or work with others to spread the word. One good approach is to partner with social networking sites or book or film organizations. Ask organizers to feature your announcements or invite you to present at events.
  11. Offer a copy of the book or DVD of the film. This is like an advance purchase, but you can offer a little more, such as being the first to get a copy, a signed copy, or VIP tickets to a launch party.


So now start thinking about your crowdfunding campaign and how you can use it to help you promote your book or film and find a publisher, agent, or producer.


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GINI GRAHAM SCOTT, Ph.D., is a nationally known writer, consultant, speaker, and seminar/workshop leader, who has published over 50 books on diverse subjects, including business and work relationships, professional and personal development, and social trends. She also writes books, proposals, scripts, articles, blogs, website copy, press releases, and marketing materials for clients as the founder and director of Changemakers Publishing and Writing and as a writer and consultant for The Publishing Connection ( She has been a featured expert guest on hundreds of TV and radio programs, including Good Morning America, Oprah, and CNN, talking about the topics in her books.


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