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We help writers and filmmakers find publishers, agents, and film industry contacts.

Radio Interview with the Al Cole on the People of Distinction Show November 17, 2020


Radio Interview with the Al Cole on the People of Distinction Show November 17, 2020

  • Features a discussion of these topics:
  • How to Write, Publish and Promote Your Book
  • Working with a Ghostwrite for Your Book or Script
  • Creating Book Proposals, Show Bibles, and Sizzle Reels
  • Connecting with Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors

Publishers Agents& Films Facebook Page Features Tips for Writers

Dear ********:

Publishers, Agents & Films has set up a new Facebook page with tips for writers and filmmakers on finding agents and publishers and film industry contacts to get book and film deals. It is also a forum for writers to ask questions about finding traditional publishers or self-publishing successfully – which includes building buzz so their book or film stands out from the millions of books and thousands of films launched each year. Within a few days, the page has scored nearly 200 followers.

The Facebook page includes links to marketing tips on its website, based on author Gini Graham Scott’s experience in publishing over 50 books with traditional publishers, publishing over 30 books through Changemakers Publishing, and selling 10 new books to five
publishersthrough Publishers Agents & Films’system of sending out personalized emails to targeted contacts based on the kind of project.

One of the recent articles deals with a disturbing trend in the industry – traditional publishers are charging book authors to publish their books, sometimes by requiring minimum book purchases of 2000 to 10,000 books, at a cost of $20,000-$100,000. At one time these publishers paid authors advances, but now given the turmoil in the publishing industry, they require these payments from authors. So they are like the printing services and platforms, which enable authors to publish their own books for no charge to a few thousand dollars. The major difference is they have the big name and prestige. So they are getting some clients this way, but many others are turning them down.

The only authors getting the big bucks – sometimes millions — from these traditional publishers are the famous name authors, who are like loss leaders to attract the writers who pay.And increasingly publishers need these paying authors when the books by the big names tank. This pay to play arrangement is a disturbing trend that writers have to contend with today, along with lower or no advances from many publishers.

Other past articles on the website with links from the Facebook page deal with the ins and outs of finding publishers and agents. The articles are provided by Publishers, Agents & Films as a public service to help writers get their books published or their films produced.One way the Company helps to do this is by sending out emails from the writer’semail, using special software to send a personalized query to contacts in the publishing and film industries. The success of this approach is shown by the over 260 testimonials from clients on the Company’s website, along with the books of several dozen successful authors on the website’s home page.

For more details, visit the website at,and you can call Nancy Parker at (925) 385-0608 for further information.

Nancy Parker
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Publishers Agents and Films
Lafayette, California
(925) 385-0608


New Marketing Tips Web Series on Finding Publishers and Agents

Dear ********:

Publishers, Agents & Films has now launched a new Web series of tips for finding publishers and agents and navigating todays difficult publishing waters. The latest posts deal with problems when publishers seek book purchase commitments, writers face delays in getting paid, and are uncertain whether to work as a co-writer or ghostwriter on a book project.

The tips come from author Gini Graham Scott’s experience in selling 10 books to five publishers in the last 6 months and in packaging projects and pitching them for a half-dozen recent clients during this time. The complete list is at
The latest articles cover these topics:
– What to Do About Advance Purchase Commitments and Payments from Established Companies

What to Do About Advance Purchase Commitments & Payments

– Should You Work as a Co-Writer and Take a Percentage?

Should You Work as a Co-Writer and Take a Percentage?

– Should You Begin Writing Anything Before a Payment or Contact?

Should You Begin Writing Anything Before a Payment or Contract?

The question about advance purchase commitments has come up, because a growing number of mainstream companies are not only paying smaller advances compared to four or five years ago, but they have added purchase requirements, such as for buying 2000 to 10,000 books, which can turn into an investment of $30,000 to $100,000, depending on the cost of the books. Do the math. A typical author’s purchase commitment for a book will be $10 to $15 times the required number to buy, which will normally dwarf any advance. So will you as an author ever make that back, even if you can claim bragging rights for having a major house publish your book? As the article discusses, more and more writers are asking that question and saying no.

The co-writer/work-for-hire issue comes up when ghostwriters work on a topic in their field and they have a choice of getting paid more as a work for hire or taking less to get co-writer credit and a share of the royalties. But if advances are lower and most books don’t earn out their advance, why do it? The article discusses the pros and cons of what to do.

Finally, the third article deals with whether a writer should risk working on a project for a publisher or individual client, when there is just a verbal promise and the contract and payment are in the works. Sometimes it’s worth it, especially when there’s a tight deadline and you are working with a publisher or client you trust. But at other times, writers can find they have done much of the work when the contract doesn’t arrive or gets cancelled and they don’t get paid. The article discusses how to decide whether to take the risk.

Other past articles deals with the ins and outs of how to find and pitch publishers and agents. The articles are provided as a public service for writers by Publishers, Agents & Films, which is devoted to helping writers find publishers, agents, film producers, and distributors, or successfully self-publishing their own books. The company has a unique way of making connections by sending out emails from the writer’s own email, using a special software to send out a personalized query to editors, agents, and producers interested in that type of project. So far, the company has over 260 testimonials from clients on its website, and commonly over half of its clients get deals with publishers or agents. The published books of several dozen successful authors are featured on the Publishers, Agents and Films’ website.

For more details, please visit the website at, and you can call (925) 385-0608.

Nancy Parker
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Publishers Agents and Films
Lafayette, California
(925) 385-0608


Publishers-Agents-Films Creates Facebook/Meetup Publishing Groups

Dear ********:

Publishers, Agents & Films has now launched new programs to help writers and filmmakers find publishers, agents, and film industry connection to get books publishers and films produced and distributed. The Meetup Group featuring workshops and seminars is launching in the San Francisco Bay Area and then plans to go national with coordinators in other major U.S. cities. The Facebook group is designed to provide tips and techniques for writers and filmmakers, along with a forum to share tips and leads.

Publishers, Agents & Films, which is sponsoring the group, is devoted to helping writers find publishers, agents, film producers, and distributors, or successfully self-publish their books. It helps with making connections with the media too with the help of an L.A. PR firm. The company, which has over 260 testimonials from clients on its website, has a unique way to make connections by sending out emails through the writer’s own email, using a special software to send out a personalized query to editors, agents, and producers interested in that type of project.

Now, 11 years old, the company started in 2004 as Publishers and Agents by multi-published author, Gini Graham Scott, and it got its big break when it was featured in the WALL STREET JOURNAL, CONTRA COSTA TIMES, and other publications for its unique method of helping writers make connections by email. Since it’s relaunch in 2014, half of its 30 new clients have found agents or inked publishing deal. It has even gotten clients from as far away as Australia and Indonesia.

To celebrate its relaunch, the company is offering a 10% discount to new clients through December.

For more details, please visit the website at, and you can call (925) 385-0608.

Nancy Parker
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Publishers Agents and Films
Lafayette, California
(925) 385-0608


Service Helps Writers Find Publishers, Agents; 260+ Testimonials

Though it’s harder than ever to get published today, Publishers, Agents & Films has scored over 260 testimonials from clients who have been looking for a way in. The company has developed a unique formula for making the connections by using the writer’s own email and special software to send out a personalized query to editors, agents, and producers interested in that type of project. The company also helps authors write book proposals, film scripts, write and publish their own books, and promote their books to the media.

The service has an 11 year history to when it started in 2004 as Publishers and Agents by multi-published author, Gini Graham Scott, and it got its big boost when it was featured in the WALL STREET JOURNAL, CONTRA COSTA TIMES, and other publications as a unique way for writers to make these connections by email.

After selling the company in 2008, Scott has recently acquired the rights to run the company again, after the new owners decided to go out of business a year ago. So now the company has a brand new website which features several dozen book covers that clients sold, along with over 260 testimonials. Since it’s relaunch, about half of its 30 new clients have found agents or inked deals with publishers.

Most recently Scott used a mailing to sell 10 books of her own and for two clients. Since this service has recently been relaunched, there’s a 10% discount to new clients; or a 10% referral fee plus 5% to the person referred.

For more details, please visit the website at, and you can call (925) 385-0608.

Gini Graham Scott
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
Publishers Agents and Films
Lafayette, California
(925) 385-0608


Subject Line: Multi-Published Author Sells Book via Publishers, Agents & Films

Dear *********:

Since Publishers, Agents & Films just launched to connect with publishers, agents, and the film industry – a successor to the 11-year old Publishers and Agents, the founder and Creative Director Gini Graham Scott has just sold another book using the service. The latest book is THE BATTLE FOR INTERNET BOOK PIRACY, to a major New York publisher, to be announced shortly, once the final title is selected. To celebrate its launch, the company is offering a 10% discount for email queries and seeking feedback on its new website.

The company website features books sold by its clients along with testimonials from writers who have found publishers and agents. So far, the company has received over 260 testimonials since it was originally founded, and about half of its clients successfully found publishers and agents. Most recently, Creative Director Gini Graham Scottsold 10 of her own or co-written books to 5 publishers, among the THE NEW MIDDLE AGES to Nortia Press, to be published in early November, and WHAT KIND OF DOG ARE YOU? to Touchstone Press, out in a few months..

Scott has also begun a series of blogs about how to find publishers and agents and get published. The first series of these have been published in a book HOW TO FIND PUBLISHERS AND AGENTS AND GET PUBLISHED, which is available on Amazon and Kindle. (

The company also helps screenplay writers find film producers, agents, and managers, and filmmakers find distributors. And it helps writers with ghostwriting books and proposals, publishing their own books, and getting publicity. Writing is provided by Changemakers Publishers and Writing (

For more details on how the service works, visit

Nancy Parker
Executive Assistant to Gini Graham Scott
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
(925) 385-0608


Publishers, Agents & Films Launches with Oct. Discounts & Perks

Publishers, Agents & Films has just launched a new site to connect with publishers, agents, and the film industry at www.publishersagentsandfilms. It’s a successor to Publishers and Agents, which has made these connections for nearly 11 years and an associate of The Publishing Connection. To celebrate its launch, the company is offering discounts and perks for those signing up to use the service to make connections by October 31. It is also seeking feedback for changes and additions to its new website.


Over the years, the company has received over 260 testimonials. About half of its clients have found publishers and agents, and the company’s Creative Director Gini Graham Scott, has sold 10 of her own or co-written books to 4 publishers as a result of mailings to the database. The company has made a half-dozen videos which feature the photos of books sold by these mailings, which will be featured on its website in its Gallery of Published Books.


In response to the questions from writers, the website now features a series of blogs about finding publishers and agents and getting published. The first collection of these have been compiled into a book on Amazon and Kindle: How to Find Publishers and Agents and Get Published (


The company has now expanded all of its services to writers and filmmakers, too. Besides helping authors connect with publishers and agents, it now provides connections with foreign agents, book distributors and sales reps, and book buyers. Plus it helps screenplay writers contact film producers, production company, agents, and managers, and it connects filmmakers with distributors. It also has affiliates who can make connections with the media (, music industry (, investors (, and game and toy manufacturers (gameandtoysconnection) which is coming soon.


Other services include ghostwriting, self-publishing under your own publishing label, PR and promotion, website design, promotional video trailers for books and film, and consulting on which publisher or agent to choose after you receive multiple offers, provided through Changemakers Publishers and Writing (


The basic email query service works by making connections using your own email with a targeted group of editors, literary agents, foreign agents, film industry, and media connections. The discounts on all query services is 15% through October 26 and 10% through October 31 by credit card or refunded through PayPal online.


The 10 books sold by Scott in using this service include a ghostwritten book for a client, American Justice, and seven of her own books: Turn Your Dreams into Reality; The New Middle Ages; the Lies of a Sociopath, Remember This, The Battle Against Internet Book Piracy, What Kind of Dog Are You?, and What Kind of Cat Are You?


For more details on how the service works, visit


Nancy Parker

Executive Assistant to Gini Graham Scott

Changemakers Publishing and Writing

(925) 385-0608


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