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Publishers, Agents & Films Launches with Oct. Discounts & Perks

Publishers, Agents & Films has just launched a new site to connect with publishers, agents, and the film industry at www.publishersagentsandfilms. It’s a successor to Publishers and Agents, which has made these connections for nearly 11 years and an associate of The Publishing Connection. To celebrate its launch, the company is offering discounts and perks for those signing up to use the service to make connections by October 31. It is also seeking feedback for changes and additions to its new website.


Over the years, the company has received over 260 testimonials. About half of its clients have found publishers and agents, and the company’s Creative Director Gini Graham Scott, has sold 10 of her own or co-written books to 4 publishers as a result of mailings to the database. The company has made a half-dozen videos which feature the photos of books sold by these mailings, which will be featured on its website in its Gallery of Published Books.


In response to the questions from writers, the website now features a series of blogs about finding publishers and agents and getting published. The first collection of these have been compiled into a book on Amazon and Kindle: How to Find Publishers and Agents and Get Published (


The company has now expanded all of its services to writers and filmmakers, too. Besides helping authors connect with publishers and agents, it now provides connections with foreign agents, book distributors and sales reps, and book buyers. Plus it helps screenplay writers contact film producers, production company, agents, and managers, and it connects filmmakers with distributors. It also has affiliates who can make connections with the media (, music industry (, investors (, and game and toy manufacturers (gameandtoysconnection) which is coming soon.


Other services include ghostwriting, self-publishing under your own publishing label, PR and promotion, website design, promotional video trailers for books and film, and consulting on which publisher or agent to choose after you receive multiple offers, provided through Changemakers Publishers and Writing (


The basic email query service works by making connections using your own email with a targeted group of editors, literary agents, foreign agents, film industry, and media connections. The discounts on all query services is 15% through October 26 and 10% through October 31 by credit card or refunded through PayPal online.


The 10 books sold by Scott in using this service include a ghostwritten book for a client, American Justice, and seven of her own books: Turn Your Dreams into Reality; The New Middle Ages; the Lies of a Sociopath, Remember This, The Battle Against Internet Book Piracy, What Kind of Dog Are You?, and What Kind of Cat Are You?


For more details on how the service works, visit


Nancy Parker

Executive Assistant to Gini Graham Scott

Changemakers Publishing and Writing

(925) 385-0608


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