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Since Publishers, Agents & Films just launched to connect with publishers, agents, and the film industry – a successor to the 11-year old Publishers and Agents, the founder and Creative Director Gini Graham Scott has just sold another book using the service. The latest book is THE BATTLE FOR INTERNET BOOK PIRACY, to a major New York publisher, to be announced shortly, once the final title is selected. To celebrate its launch, the company is offering a 10% discount for email queries and seeking feedback on its new website.

The company website features books sold by its clients along with testimonials from writers who have found publishers and agents. So far, the company has received over 260 testimonials since it was originally founded, and about half of its clients successfully found publishers and agents. Most recently, Creative Director Gini Graham Scottsold 10 of her own or co-written books to 5 publishers, among the THE NEW MIDDLE AGES to Nortia Press, to be published in early November, and WHAT KIND OF DOG ARE YOU? to Touchstone Press, out in a few months..

Scott has also begun a series of blogs about how to find publishers and agents and get published. The first series of these have been published in a book HOW TO FIND PUBLISHERS AND AGENTS AND GET PUBLISHED, which is available on Amazon and Kindle. (

The company also helps screenplay writers find film producers, agents, and managers, and filmmakers find distributors. And it helps writers with ghostwriting books and proposals, publishing their own books, and getting publicity. Writing is provided by Changemakers Publishers and Writing (

For more details on how the service works, visit

Nancy Parker
Executive Assistant to Gini Graham Scott
Changemakers Publishing and Writing
(925) 385-0608

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